Who's to blame? Nintendo? GameFreak? 50/50?
https://www.strawpoll.me/18951362>NAND access is timing out when the game downloads content in the background (wild area distribution raids, wondercards, etc).The game's auto-saving + downloading content in the background leads to fairly unique access patterns to NAND, which are triggering some kind of concurrency issue/race condition in the Switch's sdmmc driver. When the error occurs, the sdmmc driver tries to recover -- when it does this, SD card accesses fucked, and the SD card corrupts if its exFAT.>The orage screen is not the same thing, but it might be related. Orange means hardware failure. If Nintendo sold a lot of Switch's with hardware defective NANDs and it went unnoticed because everyone is avoiding NAND anyway due to firmware issues... until Pokemon comes around and abuses NAND. It's the perfect storm.Here is a pastebin with confirmed issues in the 1st day: