Hey guys, OP here, let me just say you guys have great taste!
>>41606686The fact that your ace is Cradily makes you instantly awesome with me Anon.
>>41606845Badass music.
>>41606952Best team.
>>41607210The team and the music suit each other.
>>41607226>>41607382>>41607240All awesome.
>>41607592Underrated. Very clever. ;)
>>41607666Love the bugs! Would love to see the back story behind this champion.
>>41607979Love the idea behind this one!
>>41607987Very slick!
>>41608128>Pls no bully. Don't worry, I think it's cool Anon.
>>41609270Sweet music!
>>41609311>Edg, Edge and Regi.Kek.
>>41609329I LOVE THIS ONE!!!
>>41610006>>41610034Awesome music.
>>41610355>>41610376Great taste in music Anon! Love the team!
>>41611375Love it!
>>41612018Interesting. :)
>>41612321Very cool.
>>41612545Love the idea having two different themes depending on the scenario. Very cool.
>>41612674>>41612693>>41612921>>41613569>>41613690>>41613735>>41613802>>41613804>>41614143Don't have much time, will just say all of these are amazing!
>>41615111Amazing team/theme!
>>41615530>>41616086>>41616689Love these!
>>41616880Love the theme! Double trouble! Very cool.
>>41618046>>41619178>>41619957>>41621161>>41621368>>41621667>>41622858>>41622878>>41624827All very cool!
>>41625825Love this one, one of my favs!
>>41627792Very cool.
>>41629331Don't worry, I think it's sweet!