Quoted By:
Previous thread:
>literal shitposter starts spamming pasta again
>switches back and forth between Serena spam and literal shit
>then switches over to Serena spam entirely, pretty much all of which is images with new filenames not seen on /vp/ before, indicating he's just some shitposter who saved random images for the sake of spamming
>blows his cover by accidentally posting a Pokeshipping fanart
>shifts back to spamming Serena
>literal shit pasta gets nuked, the rest of the spam stays for whatever reason
>an unsuspecting Serenafag joins in and starts spamming too
>Lilliefag starts spamming again from his phone
>one Serenafag says they're fucking off, then another Lilliefag mysteriously shows up right after that
>Lilliefags and remaining Serena spammer keep flooding the thread
>a Dawnfag starts spamming
>all the spammers bring thread to the image limit, start deleting posts of theirs so they can post even more spam
>image limit reached again
>new thread made
>virtual silence since