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I really do want to recommend this game wholeheartedly. It's obviously got a lot of effort put in as far as spriting, presentation, etc. goes, there's clearly good ideas here, I love the idea of the side content being used to flesh out each of the fakemons/regional forms and I like the side quests in the game currently, the plot is shaping up to be enjoyable cringekino but man there's jut a lot of parts where I happily abused debug and didn't feel a shred of guilt
You don't get enough money for conveniences, it's a bit too annoying to traverse certain areas, the boss fights are just flat out overtuned. In the actual sense of the word, enemy trainers (even non-bosses) are busting out 252/252/6 spreads by literally the end of the prologue. It's bullshit. There are multiple difficulties but it's just like rejuv, there's a 'normal' and then a 'story' difficulty and I'm not even sure the latter works. There's no way this game is going to keep up the pressure later in the game unless you devolve into blatant cheating or shit like massive gauntlets or 6v12s or whatever.
There's also the matter of the translation, which is very poor, and some certain gameplay choices (shit like the 1% encounter you need for a sidequest, the itemfinder quest placed in such a way that you'll end up probably catching the 5% monkeys twice, the fact you have to run all the way back and from the Oxygen Lowlands for this last cresselia quest I did and wait for night both times - these are all just within the last 2 hours of me playing here) which make this feel very rough. I hope there's more time given to polish earlier sections, and not in the Emp*re way
I have optimism for this project, but there are clear problems here. I'm still not going to tier it properly but if I did I'd give it a 4-5/10 and jam it in mediocre somewhere. Hope the creator improves as they go along (I did feel this update showed growth over the last, so it's not implausible)