>>15825636>Everybody wins!Except the person that expends time to get you that pokemon and doesn't actually get shit for it.
>Because pokemon are an infinitely replicable, unlimited item. It's freeThen get your own, gay nerd.
>Why does breeding things suddenly validate me and allow me to tell other people what to do?Because breeding means you don't only have something to offer, you have something other people want- If you RNG or pokegen it'll usually be fairly obvious and the majority of players won't want what you're offering, so even then, breeders are king. That's how an economy, real or virtual, works, tuts. You have the largest supply of what's in demand, you get paid, and one of the things you get paid in is influence. Now, I've not been around in a while, but it sounds to me like you haven't got much of the latter, prolly cus you haven't got much of the former either, or much of anything (up to and including basic intellect from the looks of things). So you'd better get producing or get used to being dirt under more productive individuals' heels.