>>38267198This Johto Center if I recall correctly uses Jynx instead of Chansey! Which is why the episode is banned, lol.
Anyway, it looks a big out of place here in the ice. It's not a comfy cabin like other isolated PCs, instead it looks like it could be in a big city. But you can tell it's smaller than the big city ones, even though its design is trying to convey otherwise. It's masquerading as one of the big-boys.
This is one of the few predominately green PCs that I can recall. This particular green reminds me of... nuclear something? Like a Soviet model? Well, it definitely reminds of the control panel of a Tupolev airplane! Another great showcase of creativity with the Pokemon Centers in the show, in any case.
Ok, I only have 2 more to go sadly but I'm saving my favorite one for last!
>>38267131That sounds really fun anon, thanks for commenting!