>>27325741>flashy bullshitSomeone doesnt clearly play MH. Like half or more of the moves in there already look like pokemon moves.
> Hermitaur - Water Gun> Zinogre - Thunder,> Gypceros - Flash/ Sludge Bomb> Gravios - Hyper Beam/ Solar Beam> Logambi - Bounce> Volvidan - Rollout> Cangolala - Poison Gas/ Body Slam> Rathian/Ratholos - Fire Blast/ Poison Tail> Kushala Daora - Twister> Deviljo - Dragon Breath/ Outrage> Teostra/ Lunastra - Flamethrower/Fire Fang/ Erupyion> Ukanlos - Ice Beam> Malfestio - Hypnosis/ Confusion> And nearly all monsters have bite/crunch/tail slap/roar/tackleAnd thats mostly at the top of my head, the list goes on.