>>36126715I guess I'll answer because why not.
>Favorite PokemonMarshadow
>A Pokemon only you likeUhh, Vespiqueen I guess?
>Least Favorite PokemonDon't really have one, but probably Bidoof.
>Favorite RegionSinnoh
>Favorite GenGen 4
>Gen only you likeKind of liked 5 gen to an extent, but overall it was meh.
>Least favorite Gen6
>Favorite MegaAmpharos
>Favorite OSTRoute 216 in D/P/P. The snowy atmosphere and comfy music reminds me of nice winter days from childhood.
>Favorite Gym LeaderSomewhere between Flannery, Elisa, or Volkner.
>Favorite ChampionCynthia
>Favorite Evil TeamSkull
>A good nostalgic memory Getting Pokemon Diamond for my birthday back in like, 4th grade.
>Opinion on LGPEIt's shit.
>Are you hyped for Gen 8 Not really, but when it comes I guess I'll be more invested in the fandom.