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Also, to give away currently I have:
- x6 (1 female, 5 males some with healer and some with aroma veil) pentaperfect Bold Heal Ball Spritzees with Wish
- x2 (male) pentaperfect Jolly Moon Ball Sneasels with Fake Out, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard, and Pursuit
- xA lot (male and female) Timid imperfect Premier Ball Noibats with Switcheroo
- xSooo much (male and female) Modest imperfect Dive Ball Claunchers
- x5 (2 females, 3 males with static and lightning rod) imperfect Timid Quick Ball HP Ice Electrikes
- x3 (female, lightning rod) nearly pentaperfect (31/x/30/31/31/31) fully trained Timid Love Ball HP Ice Pikachus with Encore, Wish, Endure, Nasty Plot