I only ended up using Magneton, Starmie, and Parasect. Magneton was useful against Lorelei, Starmie pretty much swept everything else. Parasect managed to shine against the rival as he has been all run although you can feel Leech Life's 20 BP when it's failing to 2HKO Alakazam and Exeggutor. That being said, it was still useful in a 1v1 attrition war against Exeggutor since he kept spamming Full Restores and Sleep Powder. Probably the clutchest moments were surviving a crit Hydro Pump in the rain and not getting 2HKO'd by Alakazam's Psychic. It's juuuuuust tanky enough. Parasect probably would've died if it didn't dodge a Hydro Pump at one point but at the same time he also crit and got min sleep turns so I think it's fair enough.
Basically, Starmie is OP. Who would've thought. In the future I'll probably use something else so the other team members get more spotlight.
>>55270700It's up to you. I mean some people consider legendaries OP though there are also some regular pokemon that are just as strong or even easier to use. If you're lucky enough to get it as a legit encounter I'd go for it.