>>39450106>currently hunting? game?Looking for a shiny Phanthump in ORAS, just 205 encounters so not too deep in. GTS trading to try and complete the dex in the mean time.
>most recent shiny?Shiny Wurmple I ran into while hunting Phanthump. I'm really fond of the Purmple
>how are you coping with the cull?I'm not touching ShSw until I see a full roster list. Best case scenario its mostly regional legendary pokemon that got culled. Worst case we only have a little over 400 Pokemon total
>do you like your favorite pokémon's shiny? did you hunt for it?Growlithe's ok, but there are shiny pokemon I like more. after Phanthump I want to hunt Slowpoke, but maybe Growlithe at a later point.