>>36485812Its okay to attribute some of the blame, however not all. Fetishfags aren't the Hitler boogeyman that you can blame all the problems on.
There is malaise among /vp/ and in the /ef/ /pf/ threads. Why there is malaise is an interesting question, LGPE? Fetishfags? School? Or just a general "Haa, It's muggy and hot summer, I don't feel like posting, surely someone else will."
The only reason why fetishfags were able to infest because there was no resistence whatsoever. now that fetishfags have bust their nut and became the big fish in the pond, they don't feel like moving around too much because it wouldn't be any fun.
The problem /ef/ and /pf/ is having is the same one before the fetish fags came in. Malaise.
To counter this?
Post eeveers, and eeveerlutions, talk about random shit. Try to self moderate our little community, ignore faggots, and just keep on keeping.
It's really not that hard, it just asks for a little bit of effort.
>but I don't feel like it. That's the problem, because you aren't the only person who feels like that. Be the person in a sea of people who don't feel like it, to feel like it. Otherwise, you'll force the hand of a lesser accepted crowd as the fetishfags to take over once more.