>>46111682Adding to this: I got a lot of mileage out of Focus Sash + Destiny Bond Gengar in the Tower. The AI isn't smart enough to see it coming, even if you used it the previous turn.
Past Set 4, the AI switches from using random moves to effective ones. Try not to switch too much early on since they might do something stupid like Confuse Ray when they could just finish you off. This goes for all the facilities besides the Hall.
I found success with Choice Band in the Hall over Focus Sash, since the whole downside of CB doesn't exist in 1v1. CB gets you kills that prevent you from having to take a hit with Sash in the first place, plus no risk of, say, getting frozen. Even with CB, I specifically ran Fire Blast on Chomp to deal with a few Sash + Counter mons like Scizor, Forretress, and Meganium.
Arcade luckily has Team Preview, so just try to minimize risk on the board. Prioritize safety over fucking your opponent over.
The Castle lets you skip battles after Set 3 for 50 CP each. Buff all your opponents to Level 55 early on and rake in the CP, then save it all up. I managed to skip from fight 31 all the way to 49, the Gold Print, with ~900 CP. Probably makes it the easiest facility.
The Factory is complete bullshit. I recommend RNG Manipulation. Otherwise you are literally ramming your head against a wall until the game decides to let you win.