>>17832067I like ur nicknames m8
anyways, I wouldnt bother with sub disable banette. I mean, what do you do to sub disabled pokemon? Nothing, I think. Taunt to prevent pokemon from setting up on you, or defogging, will o wisp to destroy physical attackers, and shadow claw to actually deal damage are decent ideas.
I dont really see a point in running suicide lead Deo-S with defensive and passive pokemon like banette, goodra nad milotic, the opponent will just defog if they ahve a brain. Life orb deoxys acts as an amazing revenge killer and can piss off some walls too
Deoxys-Sanic @ Life Orb
Evs: 4 atk / 252 spa / 252 spe
Nature: Naive
- Psycho Boost
- Knock Off
- Supahpowah
- Hidden Power Fire / Ice Beam