>>47803157>You know we humans are animals too right? We literally are no less of a animal then a dogNo, this is dumb. Dogs don't have civilizations and things like that.
>You guys always come up with same lame excuse like "it eats dog food in the show." Or "it's always paired with the furry pokemon in spin off content."Because the series is depicting these Pokemon in a peculiar manner. People keep brining up irrelevant terms like "xeno" or "alien" when that's never been the case except for a few Pokemon. When people bring that up is because the franchise is trying to present Pokemon in a certain light. People see *how* the franchise treats Pokemon and the franchise is very aware of it hence why you have all this pet imagery and it's how you get people asking if you would molest your dog in earnest. People bring it up to show that this alien claims are all a farce. The games treat the thing as being in the same overarching group as Pidgeys and Rattatas. As the posts above show GameFreak doesn't treat the so-called "humanoids" as "humanoids", it shows them as being Pokemon just like any other Pokemon and they also have no trouble implying that Glaceon is on the same level of ""sexyness"" in that one scene in the anime.
Because of all that it's hard to separate character from context especially from the biggest franchise in the world and even more so when the creators don't make a distinction themselves. It's why crying about design or whatever doesn't amount to much when it's put in a context where it's in the same group as something like a Pidgey.
I'm not saying anyone should be forced into other groups. When it comes to furries even they started to reject bronies as being part of their inner circle. But when it comes to Pokemon they're so into it and the franchise does it's best to present Pokemon as a collective that it becomes hard to dissociate from it when it comes to the NSFW side. This is basically what I'm getting at.