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OK here goes my autism.
This dex is based off 3 different territories, land, sea and sky, depending on which one you start, the order of gyms changes.
Land territory contains caves and deserts, big cities are located underground while smol towns are placed in caves and such, some icy territories.
Water territory is not >lol surf everywhere, its more like underwater cities kinda like the marine tube, there is some surfing here and there of course to reach surface towns that look like pacifidlog town.
Sky territory contains cities that levitate and high mountain peaks, where pokemon that cant fly, like haxorus, live.
Each territory has its own dex with 50 pokemon, that adapt themselves to their respective territories. (no ground pokemon on water territory/ no flying pokemon in water territory/no flying pokemon in ground territory)
No matter where you start, the order is always ground/sea/sky (if you start on the sky for example, you go sky/ground/water, and if you start on water you go water/sky/ground or if you start on the ground its ground/sea/sky)
Land territory gyms are, in that order: rock, steel, ground.
Water territory gyms are, in that order: psychic, water
Sky territory gyms are, in that order: bug, dragon, flying.