>>49363573Ghost/angel/alien/ I don't know what stories time?
Was one of three people that witnessed a glowing specter of a woman walking through my home the night my grandpa died. She was standing over my desk looking at the items on it. I was about eight and threw the covers over me in fear. A 15 year old foster sibling and 11 year old cousin saw too in different rooms. Took me fifteen years to feel comfortable sleeping in the dark again. Changed my whole concept of religion, morality, etc. Also had an event where me and someone else were in a conversation and, for some inexplicable reason, stopped mid sentence and turned around. There was a Latin dude coming down the street and there was this glow about him, the sky was like parted, framed around him and shining on him, and we both heard a "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa" choir-like humming sound. Then he made eye-contact with us seeing us staring and it was like a light-switch was flipped off and we both just instantly turned back to each other and started talking again. My family has a lot of hospital workers in it and once my sister had to take over for a co-worker suddenly. The woman saw a man walking down a doctor she didn't know in full scrubs/mask (pre-pandemic) and followed him as he turned the hallway demanding to know who he was. The hallway- which was a longer one with no doors near the turn, was empty. Dude vanished in 2 seconds. Woman took off for like three days after it. Don't fear death, Anon- or try not to so much. I sometimes get that feeling where I wonder if, once I die and my body is consumed and divided up every which way, if my consciousness lingers in many fragmented parts.
Eh, who knows. Just try to not make the world a worse place by not harming others and lead your life in a way that makes you fulfilled so when your time comes it's more of a "Cool, I'm over this scene! What's next?" situation.