>>44808493>6 DragonitesOh, don't worry. I'll make sure each and every one gets BTFO with Protean Greninja's Ice Beam. By the way, where are they? Or are they not actually Dragonites considering you focus on illusions and parlor tricks?
My team is a stylized version of Red's initial encounter. The starters represent the initial frog, lizard, turtle trio but in reverse, and I'm sure the others are easy to figure out. Since Red's skill is suppose to be almost unmatched, I wanted a dark mirror of his team. You think I'll be conquering by myself? No, I'm recruiting and building an army with each league/region I happen to visit. Me, my own villainous team once I eliminate all the others, and my wives/concubines will roll over the rest of the Poke'world with little noteworthy resistance outside of legendaries.
Don't delude yourself into thinking any of the incompetent NPCs or league officials will save you. If anything, I'd be an improvement. You can surrender yourself and your town's Pokemon peacefully to my Empire, or you will get sacked.