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Me again sorry don't mean to clutter the thread. Still looking for the Larvesta or Liepard but if anyone sees something they want, offer me a trade. Have slight balltism but wouldn't mind some HA. Might have to breed what you want which won't take anytime at all.
More of a complete stuff for trade since im home with the game:
Love Ball: Buneary, Phantump, Mawile, A. Vulpix, Mareep, Hoppip
Friend Ball: Snivy, Cottonee, Eevee, Exeggcute
Moon Ball: Litwick, Sneasel, Ralts, Feebas, Solosis
Dream Ball: Buneary, Swablu, Magikarp, Kangaskhan, Eevee, Spiritomb, Klink, Heracross.
P.S: Got wondertraded a Shiny Giratina in a Love ball holding a Griseous Orb lmfaooothisisobviouslyhackedbutstillhypedasfuckoooo