>>18614631"Hello!~""There was 'nother Pokemon inside 't cave! He was all grumpy and stumpy. He didn't have no friends, he was all lonely--like me!~"
[A mere child? Away with you. I care not for humans. Not in this day, not in the past, and certainly not in the near future. Your mere existence disgusts me, how could filth like you even afford to live in such a universe as the dominant species? LEAVE NOW, for I am disgruntled!]"So I told 'im, 'Well m'kay, can I come back when you're gruntled then?'"
"Hello?"[DON'T TAKE ANOTHER STEP. I can't guarantee your safety if you continue to move forward. I repeat, leave my dungeon at once, let me be in peace, there exists no human that can quell the fury inside of me!]"He was so not-gruntled, he was all like 'ABLOOBLOOBLOO I GOTTA FIND OUT WHO CLONED MOM', I kept walkin', and then his eyes turned all pink and he got real angry."
[GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! PSYCHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC!]"I 'member giggling 'cause all that psychic power was carrying 'm, it just felt so ticklish! So, he lev'tated 'm over to 'im.
[What...? I've launched a full-force Psychic attack at you! How is it that you survived it without a scratch on your body?]"And since I was in 't the air I started kicking 'm legs. It felt nice!"
[Euggggh... Why do you insist on being such a thorn in my side? You haven't even been here for a full five minutes, and yet... you continue to be a nuisance to me, and my powers seem to have no effect on you either... Why?! Tell me who you work for, what are your intentions, child!?]>What did Alice do?A) Poke his cheek.
B) Start singing some cutesy jingle.
C) Kissu his nose.
D) Piggyback his tail.
E) Fool around in mid-air because anime Psychic physics.