Last episode, we tackled some big issues - but this episode, we get even bigger, as we discuss DugDimmadome's "hat size," and discover whether his hat shrinks in the cold city of Circhester! Oh, and also, it turns out we're NOT well suited to fight ground types... maybe if we catch a new team member, we can fix that?>>41833312Ouch, before she even got to her final form... RIP Miss Circus.
>>41832825I've never heard of these... but they sound real fun.
>>41830469NICE. All glory to Sage!
>>41829352Yeah, there've definitely been close calls... I think the hardest fight we've dealt with thus far (that we won) was in our White Nuzlocke against Iris. I mistakenly thought it would have earthquake, and took time prepping to deal with that - and while we did that, it dragon danced itself WAAAAY up there. Took out half our team while it was buffed up there. We really outsmarted ourselves on that one.