its me , postcard
>>55441678i somewhat agree
FR\LG were cut and dry intentionally
they didnt want to release those games again
nintendo was pressuring them after the backlash of gen 3
>>55441661so is bank i guess
but i think you understand the point
they are different paths leading to the same goal
>>55442273>>55442093i think for shitmon the pvp floor should be 0
and for legends 13/13/13 as they are comically rare now
i used to be annoyed at how many azelf i had
now i see one or two legends per season if im lucky
i do not do more than 500 matches
i do not continue past ace unless a "new" team seems like they can break the glass ceiling
>>55443443let me know i'll do my best to fix it bb
>>55446218i want all three
but one day isn't enough time
i will have to wait until they come back for longer
>>55446694i was under the impression that deerling COULD shine?
i have hunted that little shit for years ;_;
if shiny shaymin is sinnoh, i would imagine victini or meloetta is next on the chopping block