>>57189283>TQDavid doesn't have many dreams really. Ever since he served in the army, he goes to sleep, closes eyes, opens eyes, and is back to the grind. The only reoccurring dream he has is a warning one: if he dreams he is removing one of his teeth (usually the one at the left of his right canine), he knows that day something is going to happen. Something bad.
Not something dramatic like "he is dead" or "everyone is sick", but something will happen that will grind his gears, and he will have to be in his best mood to overcome it.
>Something unhingedHe wouldn't call it unhinged, but if he used Ultima that day, he has a "dream" where he is reliving moments of his day, through his Swampert's perspective. He knows this is a side effect of that power.
>>57191262>What gen style would you use?Pokémon Emerald, since is thhe one I replayed the most. Is basically home to me.