Mankey died in training. A Woobat 7 levels lower survived Smack Down with a sliver of health and crit Confusion. I feel kind of bad but I was planning on ditching Mankey anyway. That Timid nature was gonna screw it over sooner or later, you really can't use glass cannons with bad attack natures.
On the plus side we found a Machop on outer Pinwheel with a good nature so here's hoping it can take on Lenora. Pidove is fodder just in case. It's about as useless as Mankey. Hopefully it can muscle through Lenora.
I'll be updating real soon with Lenora, be prepared for tears.
>>43052957I get too burnt out from old runs to come back to them most of the time. Pretty chill team for a randomizer, I always expect broken shit.
>>43053809Oh, you're going to be disappointed with Kanto. Try not to rely on Snorlax or Lapras too much, everybody does that.
>>43055046Serves you right for boxing best monkey. In all seriousness, sorry. Cheren's a dirty cheater.
>>43056095Huh, creative. I always forget TMs exist when they aren't infinite.