>>54504269I didn't mind the more mature spinoffs but then a few gens in Gamefreak stopped giving a fuck because the gimick wore off and sales plummeted.
So they just threw in as much edgy backstories and the occasional stuff like in your pic.
Kinda surprised old fan content never got this edgy, just look at what happened to Sonic. And I don't want to hear any of you retards talk about the crackpot conspiracy theory that says Gamefreak abused copyright laws in 2030s to mindwipe parts of pokemon from the general public, the part about Red with a Venusaur (AND/)or Blastoise is just absurd.
Still, I love muh daughter
and Vos was a fun fight, too bad you can't mention him without people seething at the fact he has a Lucario. Same goes for Grim but with people being butthurt about the difficulty.