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My best buddy ever since I learned what Poke mon was. I imagine if I were to go on a Pokemon journey, Dragonite would have been raised from Dratini and would share most of my world experiences. Would probably travel outside of its pokeball most of the time.
Alakazam would be invaluable as a tactical advisor for planning next moves on my great Pokemon journey starting when I was a kid.
Tyranitar. I have always thought Tyranitar would be a massive badass. Not overconfident but an extremely capable battler in the form of a bruiser. Solitary personality but
has interesting thoughts.
>Water travel
Not the smartest creature, but very dependable and loyal (in my mind at least). Capable of battling with the best of them and proud of its power.
I would imagine Garchomp to be found as a Gabite in some far off ruin. I would impress it with battling skills and eventually catch it. It would grow to like me as I traveled and would share in my adventures.
>Navi-like (think Ocarina of Time but less annoying)
Would also probably travel outside of its pokeball. Not because it would be sharing the closeness Dragonite and I would share as best buddies, but because I imagine Togekiss to be a free spirit.
Damn, my time spent taking shits has led to massive "go on a pokemon journey at age 10-12 and have awesome adventures" has really taken off.