>>49471689This guy right now in Inclement Emerald. Was doing great from after Flannery til just now after Liza & Tate because of the added steel type. But even then, and especially now, it's being held back by its ghost typing. Having a steel type that's weak to dark starts to really have its drawbacks late game and especially with low HP, even with all its Def & specD bulk it just can't tank switchins like I need it too since it's bread and butter is will o wisp and hex which is a two turn set up so after a switch in it sometimes takes 3 turns to get set up. I even anticipated that and put pain split on it for rocky switch ins. And it does help, but compared to my other mons it just isn't pulling its weight. So I'm kind of for shits and giggles thinking of replacing it with a special attacking bronzong, because special attacking steel types do work against ice and rock.