>>19586395"You know, I'm going to make a very bold move and assume that since this is my screwed up fever dream, I can do what I want, is that true?"
Never mind the fact that you're bathing in the remains of mutilated vegetable enemies, you're not so sure if /that's/ the part of the dream that you have control of or not.
"It's complicated, Calem, like, /really/ complicated. See, what's happening now is in both real-time /and/ in a dream. Since you're a fragment of your own dream ripped out of it and sent to another dimension, you're radiating a dreamer's aura that gives you some degree of control here.
That's why I've lowered my standards for you, it keeps you from dreaming too 'boldly'. So to put it in perspective, you're basically in another part of the multi-dimensional Stratoscape, which I'm sure you've heard of multiple times if you're into squinting. Think of it as a big solar system that holds all possible realities together in harmony, a tree with a bunch of branches maybe?"
You hold your hand in front of her, "Listen miss Lady Palutena, that's informative and all, but it hurts my head a lot and I think the only real reason I'm here is to relax in this bath water while eggplants with eyes stare me down. /BUT/, I think my assumptions are right, so with thaaaaat said:
A=Are you into a three-way by any chance or nawwwww?" "Do you even know who you're asking that to?"
A) "Y-You have no godly presence in my world!"
B) "Wha? I can't even win in my own dream?"
C) "Hey, it's part-MY dream! Come on!"