>How it worksyou add me and reply to this with your friendcode and your in game name, also you tell me if you want a male or female (though you should really go for the male)
I don't expect too many replies so I'll probably get them all down right away, I won't follow any particular order if I see someone online I'll send him a traderequest.
>Why do I want this?I'll post a picture briefly after this that shows the kind of effort you'd have to go through to get one of these.
This will be the only time I'll be giving away these munchlax so if you ever want to get one from me now is the time
>What do you want in return?This is a giveaway so feel free to give me a route2 mon, a shitty breeding leftover, or your hexaperfect hp fire shiny timid greninja in a luxury ball, but keep in mind, no matter what of the three you'll give me I'll release it, and if you can't stand getting things for free just attach a heartscale/rare candy/ balm mushroom to your shitmon.
>Why don't you post this in a giveaway general?because the general giveaways that happen are part of wifi related things and belong into the Pokémon wifi general.
tripfags definitely