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The battle frontier is shit. Has always been shit. The amount of cheap-shot bullshit that goes on in them is fucking terrible. The fact that important items for training, breeding, and evolving are hidden behind a BP paywall while the game only gives you a piddly few of them with every run through them is shit. You have to do this shit so much, earning meager handful after meager handful because if you get too far you get slapped down by none of your status effects working while you're afflicted with every possible combination and seven turns in a row of hurting yourself in confusion.
The only people who like it are the mindless zombies you can see at the slots shoving banknote after banknote into a machine that is intentionally rigged against them. We clear ten thousand dollars from chumps like you on an average Sunday.
You want the battle frontier? I hope it comes back with every facility made out of cardboard. You go in for the first time and get your shit stolen, your pokemon gone, and a new custom T-Shirt that says I FOUGHT IN THE BATTLE FRONTIER AND ALL I GOT WAS 1 BP.