>>44847391Lmao cascanon you're such a retard
Learn some fucking skills, you will NEVER get your project off the ground just hoping our dumb asses are gonna simp for you and do the coding, and the art, and the music for free out of the goodness of our hearts.
You can either fund a team to develop this (good luck keeping them all around for the entire duration so that your spritework, music, or code doesn't end up disjointed as fuck though) or you can get off your ass, start with simple projects that teach you how to romhack like basic scripts and modifications, maybe even put cascade on the backburner and make a specific romhack that's a glorified testing ground for you to learn.
Regardless, unless you choose to step up and learn the skills required to make a romhack or start shelling out cash NOTHING is going to happen.