>>38743497>I've always wondered if it would really be like this, outside of the presentation the series gives us. Maybe I'm just being cynical, but it feels almost impossible for things to be that good. It's just what I want to believe. Either way, even if that world wasn't perfect, I'd still be a lot more happy than I am now no doubt.
>>38743537>Hello again, Frost! Good to see that at least you're brave enough to namefag here. I'm surprised that you haven't suffered the same fate as quickly as I had, hahaI'm only going to be namefagging in this thread, I don't want to spread it everywhere! I know how much 4chan hates namefagging, but for a thread like this I think it makes sense
>>38743545Oh, a Glaceon poster! Hello! I thought I might be the only one. It's nice to see someone of my own species here!
>>38743760>Also, are we doing names now?I just feel like using it. Like I said above, I think it makes sense for this thread
>>38743763Just use a large touchpad keyboard! I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to get used to with paws