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copy+ pasted from old thread:
I have some leftovers I'm willing to barter with.
Right now I really need something male in the Bird egg group with iv's where sp attack is the hindered stat. Nature doesn't matter, I just need the stats. I've spent hours breeding two 4iv crobat and not getting any 5iv.
That being said I have about six 4iv Jolly Infiltrator Zubats with Defog and Brave Bird, and two with Inner focus.
A Quiet 4iv Carbink.
Several 4iv Modest Clauncher.
A few Timid Levitate Ghastly
One 5iv Gooey Goomy (M), One 5iv Sap Sipping Goomy (M), Four 4iv Gooey Goomy (M), and one 4iv Gooey goomy (F). All of which are Modest and have Irontail, Poison Tail, and Counter Egg moves.
A 5iv Speed Boost Venepede, Adamant
Seven 4iv Technician scyther. All Adamant.
Two 5iv Larvesta and two 4iv larvesta. All Female, all Modest.
I'm also looking for a hidden ability eevee and a hidden ability kekleon. Otherwise just make me an offer of equal value.