Quoted By:
>Hey guys, I know most people don't want my whole life story so I'll keep this brief
>I'm going to quit blogging for a few weeks. Maybe longer. Long story short my Dad got sick and didn't get better. It's been rough.
>And to make things ever worse, he didnt leave a will. I didnt know this, but in our region you HAVE to specify which next of kin / friend will receive your Pokemon after death. And my Dad, bless him, was never great with remembering stuff. So no will. And my relatives are trying to claim his Pokemon... Big legal nightmare en route? Probably.
>I just hope I can take ownership over Claydol. Dad's other Pokemon are lapmons, they're happy to just laze around the house you know? But Claydol's different, ever since it was a Baltoy it's been crazy about adventure and exploration
>So I hope I can get it back. I want to take Claydol and my team on a journey. That would make my pops happy, I just know it.
>Sorry for rambling. Ill post an update one day, maybe. If not, I'll smell ya later. Ciao!
>Last Updated: 782 days ago
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