Rainfag reporting in.
>>39337112Pretty based team, especially Torterra and Galvantula.
>>39337159Azumarill, Audino, and Volcarona are cool. Not a fan of the rest.
>>39337192Based Raibro.
>>39340167Yea, pretty normie taste in all honest. NOt really a fan.
>>39340173Volcarona, Crawdaunt, and Herocross are based.
>>39340231Mono-Grass is cool. You're missing a Breloom though.
>>39340261I like what you did with Murkrow and Arbok.
>>39340328Toxicroak, Galvantula, and Golisopod are always gonna be bros. The rest I really don't like though.
>>39340444Arquanid and Porygon-Z are cool but that's about it. Aegislash is alright.
>>39340525You get one point for Infernape and half a point for Lapras.