Man, I love Kabu. What a great gym leader. Shame you don't get to fight him in the Champion Cup and instead fight fujobait #2 but eh. I'll just hope they give Kabu the Ingo or Grimsley treatment.
Anyway, I came prepared, just got a teensy unlucky.
>Kabu sends out Ninetales, I send out Robin. Ninetales tries to Will-O-Wisp, but Robin heals it with a Rawst Berry as Ninetales gets hit with a Snarl. Ninetales starts going for Quick Attacks and I decide to set up two Nasty Plots. Ninetales gets a Fire Spin that traps Robin and then a Will-O-Wisp right as it's about to go down.>Kabu sends out Arcanine. I think to myself 'Thievul is a fast pokemon, so a Snarl here should kill at +4'. Not only is Thievul slower, but Arcanine hits a crit Flame Charge that leaves Robin at 5 HP. Robin then doesn't even kill the Arcanine and leaves it in the yellow as she dies a fiery death. Probably the best fate this shitmon would get all things considered.>Send in Ripple and Dynamax, taking a Will-O-Wisp from the Arcanine as it gets flushed away by a Max Geyser.>Kabu throws in his ace Centiskorch and gigantamaxes, but due to the rain, Ripple outspeeds via Swift Swim and deals half to the Centiskorch as it fires back with a Max Flutterby that does respectable damage. Ultimately, the Centiskorch is taken down by another Max Geyser.I think I overprepared for this fight. I had plenty of answers at the ready, and probably didn't need to risk my Thievul but it's not like I was gonna use it after this fight anyway, so I'm fine with letting it die.
>>51021395>RhyhornBased, keep my man alive.
>>51021096Yeah, with a Diglett and Sandshrew you should be pretty good. Shame Gen 3 Sandshrew has the shittiest learnset and you need to give it Dig or Earthquake to give it a STAB worth a damn, but it's not a bad mon.
>>51020755Congrats, must've been tense as hell to get all the way to the E4 and Champion. Are you thinking of doing another run or are you taking a break?