>>51635973I really really wish this game wasn't forgotten after Legends Arceus trailers completely annihilated anyone's interest in it and I wish even more that devs and the main artist didn't end up in an argument.
Like half of the designs that didn't make the cut and the artist still said they liked a lot just make me sad. Like, couldn't they make extra patches where you could get some of these cut Fakemons before postgame instead of separating it all to shitty, impossible postgame challenges? If I remember correctly, some type pools like new Water and Grounds are still lacking compared to other types.
Why everything past DLC 2 are shitty recolours and Twitch subs panderings? This easily could've been the best postlaunch Pokemon fangame, heck, I've enjoyed it more than some of the NU Pokemon games despite the edgy writing.