>>55145302Goodness anon, you were so caught up in trying to sound condescending that your points are easily refutable! Breeding beasts isn't an instantaneous process, nor is training them to fight properly. A proper system in place can continuously and quickly produce mechs to be deployed at a moments notice whrn necessary, and a database of gathered collective battle intel can be uploaded into mechs to ensure an army of them will all be ready for battle without any time investment for training. If mechs fall in combat, more can be produced quickly. The broken ones can even be brought back and repaired. What happens when a monster dies, hm? That's right... you just lost years you spent training that monster from one costly mistake.
Oh, and those precious monster centers of yours? You try to act all high and mighty about how costly our endeavors are, and yet you don't even consider just how expensive maintaining such an elaborate medical/storage system is.
Do you know how much more costly medical technology is and how it requires constant maintenance and improvements, lest it kills the very ones it's built to heal? They may be able to heal injured monsters to a degree, but certainly not dead ones.
Face it, anon... your ability to perform logical and deductive reasoning is woefully lacking. Perhaps you should go back to throwing the chew toy for your little heathens and making them fight for your amusement!