>>29239163The absolute complete and utter holocaust extermination massacre extinction catastrophe genocide slaughter immolation devastation mass murder annihilation inferno armageddon apocalypse cataclysm flame blaze sacrifice balliocaust btfowned combustion blitz annihilation blitz blood blood and guts blood bath bloodshed butchering butchery crime extermination gore havoc hecatomb holocaust homicide killing liquidation manslaughter mass murder murder offing rapine search and destroy shambles slaughter slaying taking out warfare
wasting act of God adversity affliction bad luck bad news bale bane blight blow bust calamity casualty cataclysm catastrophe collapse collision crash debacle defeat depression emergency exigency failure fall fell stroke fiasco flood flop grief hard luck harm hazard holocaust hot water ill luck misadventure mischance misfortune mishap reverse rock rough ruin ruination setback slip stroke the worst tragedy undoing upset washout woe blaze bonfire campfire charring coals combustion conflagration devouring element embers flame and smoke flames flare glow hearth heat holocaust hot spot incandescence inferno luminosity oxidation phlogiston pyre rapid oxidation scintillation scorching sea of flames searing sparks tinder up in smoke warmth deathageddon of /vp/2016
I fixed it.