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What are the Champion Stadium battles that have filtered normies the most?
The original classics were:
- Will & Jynx tough cookie
- Koga & Venomoth windy wind
- Lance & Dragonite crit shields
- Bruno & Machamp Impervious
- Lorelei & Lapras evasion
- Karen & Umbreon evasion
- Shauntal & Chandelure (any build) nukes
- Grimsley Bisharp always activating its 30% buffs
- Caitlin with the surprise 4bar attacks used before her sync
Those are the ones I remember /pmg/ anons complained or looked fornadvices the most.
As someone who like using non optinal broken teams Shauntal nukes and Grimsley's Bisharp were the most annoying to deal if you didn't bring the steamroll counters against them avoided stall.
There is also a huge gap between January and Spring and onward MM, all those new pairs and EX as well as legendary freebies (now with grids too) pretty much turned this mode into a funnier and shorter villa run.
The easiest battle ever will remain the poison status weakness Will & Exeggutor.