-2 Squirtles with 31 IVs in everything except attack (both male)
-A...lot of Squirtles with 31 IVs in 4 stats (not attack)
Breeding these as Mega Blastoises, so all come with a modest nature, as well as Aura Sphere (because effective 120 BP never-miss attacks are good) and Dragon Pulse (because you're a rambling gambling dude who fears Goodra and Dragalgae more than Garchomp, possibly).
Looking for equivalent trades (5 IVs for 5 IVs, 3-4 IVs for 4 IVs), but failing that I'm also lazy and looking to take the path of least resistance for an Oval Charm so that I can further perpetuate my Pokemon puppy mill obsession, so I might also take anything that I don't currently have in my Kalos Pokedex. Currently looking for the following from Central Kalos, so if you don't have any breeding leftovers but are looking for an easy-ish way to get into the game finding one of these in your box might be as good a start as any: