>>18588818"Eh? Who the what now? What's this theorem?"
Both Cooliflu and Ochoa assist you out of the containment tube. You are given a towel, some hot coffee, and your payment for participating in the test.
Cooliflu runs a hand through his hair, the Tentacool on his head doesn't seem to mind, "Listen Calem, as a test subject, you are entitled to absolutely zero information regarding why we recorded you, sacrificed you, then brought you back...but if you must know.."
Ochoa refers you to a picture up on the wall, "Hugh Everett the III, he's the sort-of messed up fellow that cobbled a weird interpretation on how we perceive reality. You see, Everett is famous for developing a theorem in which he states that the known universe is not alone, and that there indeed exist many alternative realities, futures, and worlds beyond our wildest dreams based entirely on quantum wave functions and mechanics. A bungle of paradoxes, if you will."
"...And what does that have to do with me?"
"If our tests with generating identical humans proves to be just as successful and risk free as generating Pokemon, then once the proper technology becomes available later on down the line, it'll be possible for us to send multiple copies of ourselves into these infinite universes, all while still maintaining one hypothetical soul shared together throughout each copy. Essentially this means that if one copy were to die in one universe, the metaphorical focus of that copy would therefore shift to another universe and revolve around another copy, in an endless paradox pattern. In theory, granting this one sole person immortality so as long as enough clones can be produced."
"You scored about a 70% success rate, which is more than I can say about our past subjects."
A) Enter u're waifu and loli.
B) "Oh fuck, that's off the charts! So I can never die!?"
C) >'Why does it seem like everyone's focused on immortality all of a sudden?'
D) "Please explain that in dumbass speak, m'am."