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Also, the frame rate always drops dramatically for me whenever I'm attempting to catch a legendary with 90+% IVs. My catch rate with legendaries altogether is roughly 60-65%. I've encountered 6 90+% IV legendaries and caught one out of the 6. It seems like it's an intentional handicap the game creates so that you're almost guaranteed to waste 2, 3, even 4 balls. It's such fucking bullshit because I've noticed this trend and stop throwing curves just so all my balls land, and it will be so laggy that even straight throws will miss, landing short of the pokemon. Curveballs simply don't curve back toward the center and go hurtling off into the corner. You can't even be patient, the frame rate will not improve even if you wait in the catching phase doing nothing for minutes. Absolute bullshit. Android user by the way, someone else must have noticed this.
>Catch this Raikou with a group of 12 players, perfect HP and Def...