>>39804671Degenerate and genuinely evil but in a cringe way
>>39804719Values practicality in his pokemon
>>39804740Stupid NFE faggot
>>39804771Anxious and doesn't like to take the first move. You prefer to react than take the initiative.
>>39804870You like shillmons
>>39804896Simple, practical and methodical individual who speaks his mind
>>39804937You like cool robots
>>39804946Lying underrage tranny faggot
>>39805197You like tragic cute things and probably like cubone too
>>39805207Stellar taste and a fine gentleman much like myself
>>39805374Easy going and free spirited.
>>39805829A decent and possibly intelligent person who just happens to be a degenerate furry. He wishes his "tastes" were more accepted but I will make sure that never happens.
>>39806300Underage or even worse an edgy manchild
>>39807386Emotional dude with a hard shell, you obviously like Marowak because of how tragic cubones story is.
>>39808615Another smelly faggot like op