>>57154732>Speed and evade are the only to stats that matter when it comes to catching a pokemon, so debuffing them on the pokemon you are trying to catch will increase your catch rate >All status effects improve catch rate, with freeze and sleep increasing it the most>Being at a higher level than the pokemon you are trying to catch will improve your catch rate.>Catch rate slowly improves for every turn of battle that passes, so stalling out can work (assuming the pokemon you are trying to capture doesn't run out of moves and struggle to death).At least, that's what I've learned that helps with capturing outside lowering its HP and using better balls.
It helps to have a pokemon with a moveset completely dedicated to catching pokemon (spore, thunder wave, false swipe, ect.). Pic related is my go-to mon except for when I need to debuff speed or evade, which I only needed to do once and that was for capturing Regigigas in an ability ball.