>>43424213>Breeding>Raids>BP grinding>Raids>Wifi Battles>Raids>Trading>RAIDSThe raid rewards are fantastic and the easiest way to get breeding parents in the entire franchise. I find this to be a great AFK game. Something to do while watching videos, listening to music. shows, and movies. I can hatch eggs to EV train or wonder trade later and do raids which are piss easy for XP candies, TRs, and stuff to sell. Wifi battles give me the biggest dopamine rush I ever get from video games. I either get extremely happy and laugh during fights or full of rage and on the brink of insanity depending on how the match goes. I can't wait for the DLC as it'll only add more of what I love. Pokemon, Moves, and Raids.
>>43424276Foreign Dittos are determined by language instead of region now. So if you pick your language as Spanish then all Pokemon you catch are from Mexico and work with the Masuda Method