Kanto is like crack. So many viable pokémon that're soo easy to get. It's really fun to use all this broken stuff, even though I should be rationing it out for future playthroughs... nah. Was a little lowish going into rival and giovanni (36) but I barely made it out alright. Remembered that I should probably get a really good ice beam user for Lance which is probably a bigger run killer than the champ, so here's Grusha taking over Ramos's spot (2 sleep bugs is a little redundant). I saw
>>57248809 and thought I should probably go to 41 before both gym leaders. Koga was abosultely swept by Magnolia (butterfree with the opponent not switching is basically a legendary pokémon) and Bianca solo'd Sabrina while (barely) tanking a +1 Psychic from Alakazam. Thinking about keeping this team, as besides Crasher (gen 3 is the second least broken Gyarados gen), they don't really appear in later games that much.