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>CCCP Fedelia Alla Linea - Affinita-Divergenze (co) vs Kaeru-Moku - Haisyaku (Mark And)
The CCCP album was quite good, felt like a mix between post-punk greats such as Gang of Four, Wire etc and punk bands a la Rudimentary Peni. Lovely bass lines here and there and a few songs distinguish themselves quite clearly ("Traffito" comes to mind with its acoustic tinges, but in the end, it doesn't match up to any of the previously mentioned bands, really. I mostly just think the vocals aren't that great, but eh, they do fit with the music I suppose. It's a cool album overall.
Mark's submission, meanwhile, was totally comfy and all, but in no way did it stand out, nor did it fit the genre tag "avant-folk" (the folk's there, but there's staggeringly little avant to be heard on this album). Pleasant enough, but it's not like I don't have a ton of pleasant albums in my collection already.
co advances