>>49076888Don't say that, Jessie and James at least had charisma. They're iconic. They carried the show.
Zera's reputation on here is apparently "powerjanny discordfag who's a pedo with a tranny "girl"friend, talks about his OC's coffee shits, and straight-up ended a server with his autism. If he joins your group, it's already too late." Tons of people like Jessie and James, but NOBODY will answer "who's your favorite character?" with "some mexican pedo OC named Zera"
At least, that's what I've gathered from the threads around here. I've never even met the dude directly, but word gets around, so clearly he's rubbed quite a few people the wrong way in his
>10 FUCKING yearsplaguing this board. Just look at the last two OC threads for a taste of what the community thinks of him. I'm surprised people weren't talking about him this openly sooner, the hatedom was definitely already there.
I typed a lot more than I meant to but Jessie and James are my favorite characters and I will not see them slandered like this