>>45572307Observations from my own playthrough
>BirdhouseKing in shitmon's clothing. Can trivialize the first three gyms or so with absurdly high bulk and overall stats for how early you get it + has an amazing movepool that makes it a decent utility mon later on as well. B
>KuklanFast, hits hard, and has lots of switch-in opportunities with Levitate but it's made of paper and the Rock/Water weaknesses sting a lot. B or C
>PepereeOnly obtainable via Wonder Trade but it's a letdown. Defensively it only has two awkward resistances and offensively it's held back by middling attack and a bad ability. Great Rage is ridiculous and STAB Accelerock is kinda cool though. D
>LossolithAbsurd defenses but its HP really weighs it down without IV training it to a better level, and it learns a lot of the moves that make it functional very late. C
>OctaiBased as fuck, I threw it in as a filler mon for its typing but it's an amazing Calm Mind user once you beat Freddie for the TM and gets all it needs to be successful extremely early. Gets even better with hidden abilities are thrown in, though it has issues with consistency compared to Premantom before then. B
>ChantruthI don't see it too often outside of memes but it's legitimately one of the best mons I used my entire playthrough. Just run a monoattacking set with Jewelry, Baddy Bad, Parting Shot, and 2 other utility moves and then laugh as it nukes everything from fucking orbit while maintaining amazing bulk and good speed. Only flaws are no reliable recovery and some of its best moves come pretty late. S